bemovil | Reparación de móviles e informática

Laptop Screen Repair Granada

and throughout Spain with pick-up and delivery

The screen of a notebook is one of its most important and, at the same time, one of its most sensitive parts.

A small oversight, such as a bump or a fall, can result in breakage, cracks, smudges, dead pixels or backlighting problems. Such damage not only impairs the visual experience, but can also hinder the overall usability of the device, even making it unusable.

At bemovil, we understand the importance of having a screen in perfect condition. Our team of experts is highly trained to perform laptop screen repairs, using the highest quality replacement parts to ensure optimal performance. We offer a fast and efficient service, with the confidence and security that our customers need.

We offer 6 months warranty
Repairs in less than 45 minutes
Highly Qualified Technicians
Original and compatible spare parts

Where can I get my laptop screen repaired in Grenada?

We offer top quality laptop repair service in Granada. If you need to change the screen of your laptop in Granada, you can come to one of our stores, where we will perform the repair in less than 4 hours.

We understand how important it is for you to keep your laptop in optimal conditions, so we strive to always provide quick solutions.

Central (Pol. Juncaril)

Granada (Albayda)

What are the symptoms of a broken laptop screen?

If you turn on your laptop but the screen remains completely black, it could be a sign of a problem with the display or with the connection between the display and the motherboard.

Dead pixels appear as small black dots on the screen that do not change color, while stuck pixels show a fixed color and do not respond to image changes.

If you see vertical or horizontal lines on the screen that should not be there, it could indicate a problem with the LCD or the connecting cables.

Spots or distorted areas on the screen may be a sign of physical damage to the screen or internal components.

If the display flickers intermittently or flashes, it could indicate a problem with the power cord, the display drivers or the display itself.

If the brightness of the display varies inconsistently or does not respond to brightness adjustments, it could be an indicator of a problem with the display backlight.

If you notice areas of shading or discoloration on the screen, especially around the edges, it could be a sign of a problem with the backlight or LCD.

If you notice areas of shading or discoloration on the screen, especially around the edges, it could be a sign of a problem with the backlight or LCD.

Finally, visible cracks, breaks or fissures in the screen are obvious signs of physical damage and that the screen is broken.

We repair all brands

All notebook brands and models

  • HP (Hewlett-Packard)
  • Lenovo
  • ASUS
  • Acer
  • Dell
  • MacBook (Apple)
  • Huawei
  • MSI
  • Toshiba
  • Samsung
  • Sony (VAIO)
  • LG
  • Xiaomi
  • Medion
  • Fujitsu

Solicita presupuesto

Rellena el siguiente formulario y nos pondremos en contacto rápidamente.

Información de contacto
Información del dispositivo
Selecciona las reparaciones que necesites:
¿Ha sido reparado antes?*
Cuéntanos un poco más
Adjunta foto si necesitas que veamos la rotura

Request a quote

Fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Contact information
Device information
Select the repairs you need:
Has it been repaired before?
Tell us more
Attach photo if you need us to see the breakage.